Accounts Payable and Invoicing

Vendors conducting business with the PPD™ clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific should familiarize themselves with the following information regarding our company’s accounts payable processes.

Please note that our e-mail domain is

Please immediately update any e-mail addresses you have for us in your systems from to extension in order to prevent any lost e-mails and invoices.

Invoicing requirements

Our accounts payable team is committed to paying vendors on time, in compliance with our internal policies and international and country-specific rules and regulations.

To ensure timely and accurate payment, vendors must follow the invoicing requirements below. If a document is received and does not comply with the stated requirements, it will be rejected and returned for re-issue.

  • All invoices must include:
    • Valid purchase order number provided by a procurement analyst or the requester of the goods or services
    • Identifying number (invoice number)
    • Invoice date
    • Invoice due date/payment terms
    • Vendor’s name and address
    • The “bill to” name and address
    • The “delivery to” name and address
    • Detailed description of the goods or services provided
    • Effective term dates of service, if applicable
    • Goods quantity
    • Price of goods or services
    • Total amount due and billing currency
  • Additional charges such as freight and sales tax should be separate lines on the invoice.
  • If VAT is being charged, invoice must include:
    • VAT registration number
    • VAT rate
    • Amount of VAT charged
  • All credit or credit notes must quote the original invoice number and purchase order they refer to. Under no circumstances should the vendor use credits to reduce future invoices.
  • All vendors’ invoices should be sent as a PDF or other electronic document format to one of the following e-mail addresses (which are also stated on the purchase order):
  • China
  • PPD Pharmaceutical Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd Shanghai Branch
    • Supplier please note that electronic copies of all invoices requesting payment for goods or services must be submitted via email to Paper copies of VAT Fapiao should be mailed to the attention of Finance Team at Room 1101, 1102, 1106, 1107, No. 155, Tianjin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai. Tel# 021- 33072288. Please disregard the general notice regarding where to send invoices referenced elsewhere in the PO document or on PPD’s website.

      供应商请注意,所有要求支付货物或服务费用的电子发票必须通过电子邮件发送至 增值税专用发票的纸质版本应邮寄至上海市黄浦区天津路155号1101、1102、1106、1107室,收件人财务处,电话:021-33072288,请忽略其他任何在采购订单上或PPD网站上发布的关于发票的通知,仅以该指示为准。
  • PPD Pharmaceutical Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd
  • PPD Pharmaceutical Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd Guangzhou Branch
  • PPD Pharmaceutical Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd Shenyang Branch
  • PPD Laboratories (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
    • Supplier please note that electronic copies of all invoices requesting payment for goods or services must be submitted via email to Paper copies of VAT Fapiao should be mailed to the attention of Finance Team at 25th floor, Raffles center, No.1, Dongzhimen South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing. Tel# 010-61846145/61846147. Please disregard the general notice regarding where to send invoices referenced elsewhere in the PO document or on PPD’s website.

      供应商请注意,所有要求支付货物或服务费用的电子发票必须通过电子邮件发送至 增值税专用发票的纸质版本应邮寄至北京市东城区东直门南大街1号来福士中心25层,收件人财务处,电话:010-61846145/61846147,请忽略其他任何在采购订单上或PPD网站上发布的关于发票的通知,仅以该指示为准。
  • If an invoice must be sent on paper, rather than as an electronic document, in case of any particular and exceptional reason (e.g., country legal requirements), please refer to our company locations page for mailing addresses.

Disputes and queries

We have a dedicated accounts payable helpdesk that offers support to our vendors to achieve resolution in the event of disputes or queries on invoice payment. This helpdesk team can be contacted by email.
