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In the News

NeurologyLive (February 2024)

PPD/TFS fostering global awareness in rare disorders

Galina Nesterova, Executive Medical Director, and Stephen Peroutka, Vice President, discuss the importance of Rare Disease Day and PPD’s commitment to this area.

Neurology Live
Medical Product Outsourcing (February 2024)

The sweet science of diabetes technology

Mona Eskandarian, Director of Project Management, comments on current trends in continuous glucose monitoring technology and the use of eDiaries in diabetes treatment.

Medical Product Outsourcing logo
PharmaVoice (January 2024)

PharmaVoice’s crystal ball: What’s next in drug innovation and clinical trials

Les Enterline expects the sourcing of clinical development talent for client engagements to remain highly competitive.

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OutsourcingPharma (January 2024)

Thermo Fisher’s research business, PPD, to explore effective treatments for ARDS in large trial

The PPD clinical research business has been selected to start a Phase II clinical trial to investigate.

Pharmaceutical Outsourcing (December 2023)

How an FSP team implementing standards can help ensure on-time delivery of trials

The authors outline how a functional service provider team implementing data standards within a global library can help to ensure the on-time delivery of clinical trials, while maintaining data quality and integrity.

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Pharmaceutical Technology (December 2023)

Training for operational excellence

Samantha Hadfield comments on ways to streamline and expedite onboarding for FSP engagements.

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Contract Pharma (November 2023)

Digital and decentralized solutions: challenges faced during eDiary build

The authors document two early-stage challenges that exist in the design and implementation of eDiaries.

Contract Pharma
Applied Clinical Trials (November 2023)

Decentralized clinical trials: being audit-ready and avoiding pitfalls

Sanra Orset reviews trends in audit findings specific to DCTs and provides guidance on how to develop a new project delivery framework that will support audit readiness.

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Outsourcing Pharma (November 2023)

Interview: The PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific – The processes and difficulties within rare diseases

OSP was delighted to speak to Galina Nesterova, executive medical director at the Rare Disease & Pediatrics Center of Excellence, and Susan McCune, vice president of pediatrics and clinical pharmacology both within medical science and strategy at PPD, part of Thermo Fisher. They answered some pertinent questions surrounding rare diseases.
