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In the News

BioPharm International (June 2017)

Troubleshooting Lab Operations: Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Chris Forsdyke reviews systems and processes that enable a laboratory to approach troubleshooting in an effective way.

BioPharm International
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing (May 2017)

Contamination Control and Environmental Monitoring Program Results

Peter Wunderli, Jon Denissen, Maggie Bach, Moira Elmore and Erica Golueke discuss the results of a monitoring program at a GMP QC cell-based (bioassay) lab, along with a risk analysis and their recommendations.

pharmaceutical outsourcing logo
Regulatory Focus (May 2017)

Quality Certificates for Small Molecule Drug Product Applications for International Regulatory Submissions

In this article, Monika Jain discusses the issues regulatory professionals may encounter while arranging for a variety of certificates for applications for small molecule drug products.

regulatory focus logo
Contract Pharma (May 2017)

CROs and Next-Gen Drug Development

PPD's David Johnston comments on the new operational, organizational and partnership-based approaches to drug development.

Contract Pharma
Pharmaceutical Technology (May 2017)

Solid-Phase Extraction for the Preparation of Aqueous Sample Matrices for Gas Chromatographic Analysis in Extractable/Leachable Studies

Steve Zdravkovic outlines the attributes of solid phase extraction and the advantages it offers compared to liquid/liquid extraction.

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Outsourcing-Pharma (May 2017)

PPD forms new unit with Evidera, MARO teams

Outsourcing-Pharma reports on combination of PPD’s medical affairs research operations and Evidera.

FierceBiotech (May 2017)

PPD combines medical affairs team with real-world research subsidiary Evidera

FierceBiotech reports on combination of PPD’s medical affairs research operations and Evidera.

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CenterWatch (May 2017)

Movement for real-world evidence as PPD and Evidera launch new research unit

CenterWatch reports on the combining of PPD’s medical affairs operations team and Evidera.

Outsourcing-Pharma (May 2017)

Acurian: new consulting service provides ‘continuum of support’

Outsourcing-Pharma reports on the introduction of Acurian Consulting Services.
