Archives: Resources
CRO Market Poised for Growth and Consolidation
Technology is enabling CRAs to focus their efforts on individual sites to avoid future issues and deliver high-quality results.
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Annual Meeting Report
Trends in Medicine article covering a variety of general neuroscience trends and topics.
Quality Control
International Clinical Trials article discussing a rigorous protocol risk assessment method to design customized, adaptive monitoring plans.
The Patient as the Collaborator
PPD® Consulting offers insights on orphan drugs.
Flow Cytometry
Contract Pharma article about how PPD employs flow cytometry in its development of biomarker assays for client studies.
New Growth and Decline in Asia Clinical Trials
Clinical trial demands are high for the growing expertise in Asian countries.
The Dynamic Evolution of Multi-sponsor REMS
A brief background of REMS programs; dramatic shifts in the types of REMS approved; challenges associated with multi-sponsor REMS; and how to ensure that your company and products are prepared.
Adapting to Adaptive Drug Development
Jürgen Hummel, PPD’s associate statistical science director, was featured in the June issue of PharmaVOICE.