Archives: Resources
Leveraging the Follow-the-Sun Model to Optimize Your FSP Solution
Explore key elements sponsors must consider when exploring and FTS model through an FSP partnership
Four Key Considerations When Choosing an FSP Provider
Hear from a seasoned expert on the key considerations when selecting an FSP partner.
PPD<sup>™</sup> FSP Solutions Delivers Support and Expertise for Biopharma Client in Non-Footprint Countries
Explore how a tailored solution to develop an in-country presence and expertise was critical to meet study timelines.
Three Considerations When Selecting a Sites & Patients Partner
Accelerate your patient engagement, enrollment and retention efforts by aligning with a partner that excels in these areas.
Employing a Functional Service Provider (FSP) Partnerships Model in Non-Footprint Countries
Discover how to conduct research in regions outside of your geographic footprint through an FSP model
Clinical Trial Diversity
Explore how technology can be harnessed to overcome barriers to clinical trial participation and create more inclusive trials.
A Central Lab Perspective on Site and Patient Centricity
Go beyond the data with PPD and learn how the role of the central lab in the clinical trial ecosystem is being reimagined
The Importance of an Implementation Lead Within FSP Models
Learn how implementation leads coordinate resources, processes, and timelines to streamline start-up and drive on-time delivery during the initial stages of an FSP engagement.
Keys to Successful Therapeutic Vaccine and Immunotherapy Research and Development
Learn how to deliver on the potential of therapeutic vaccines in this e-book