Reducing Patient Burden in Clinical Trials

Reducing Patient Burden

We strive to fit the trial to the patient, rather than the patient to the trial

From the earliest stages of planning, we mitigate the logistical and geographic barriers associated with traditional brick-and-mortar site visits and reduce the patient burden through a compelling patient-centered experience integrated seamlessly into everyday life. The result? Exceptional enrollment and retention rates that boost patient compliance, shorten study timelines and save money.

We strive to fit the trial to the patient

Our patient-first programs

Our patient engagement solutions surround trial participants with support, information, guidance, encouragement and continual reminders that they play an essential role in advancing the future of medicine.

Patient experience

Understanding the patient’s clinical trial experience is essential to improving future clinical trial design and execution.  Our patient-centered services are designed around the unique needs of the patient.  Feedback from patients and site staff is important to demonstrate meaningful impact from these efforts/investments.

Patient concierge

Seasoned concierge representatives provide personalized service and support to enhance patients’ comfort with trial participation and facilitate a positive experience. They proactively engage patients and caregivers to answer questions, arrange transportation, confirm appointments, and provide ongoing guidance and support.  

Patient transportation program 

Full-service booking and coordination of patient transportation to and from the study site that lower barriers to patient participation, enhance patient satisfaction with the trial experience, and provide customized auditing and verification of travel expenses for customers. 

Patient reimbursement program 

Unparalleled global reach in 200+ countries and more than 150 currencies, with flexible payout options that reduce patient and caregiver stress and lessen the administrative burden on customers and sites. 

Home health

Global footprint of key partners who perform many assessments in the comfort of a patient’s, thus removing travel and logistical burdens related to site visits.

Modeling the patient burden

We model and predict the patient burden associated with a specific study design and recommend options for enhancing feasibility using design optimizer and other platforms.

  • Reduce participants’ stress, anxiety and frustration by removing logistical barriers 
  • Boost compliance and reduce dropout rates by creating stronger bonds between participants and sites
  • Enhance participant satisfaction by providing a one-stop shop  – patient concierge – for handling trial-related issues
  • Alleviate administrative burden on sites via centralized technology platforms that enroll, communicate with and track participants
Our patient-first platforms
Patient concierge

Full-service patient concierge representatives provide ongoing support by scheduling appointments and transportation, answering questions, resolving issues and gauging patient satisfaction throughout the trial.

Science 37

Our partnership with Science 37 reduces traditional site visits through telemedicine, home health visits and study apps that digitally transmit data to alleviate the patient burden.


Medable’s patient app supplements traditional site visits with online chats, eDiaries and digitally enabled devices to track disease parameters throughout the study, thereby reducing reliance on site visits.

We fundamentally shift the center of research from the site to the patient’s home. Our “siteless” approach yields a more efficient and patient-centric solution with wider geographic reach.