Doctor looking at a chart with her patient

Site and Patient-Centric Solutions

Patients are the driving force behind the quest to develop better, safer and more targeted therapies. But patients are often treated as a data source, rather than the reason for research.

The PPD™ clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific provides a custom suite of tools and technologies — and direct input from thousands of patients — to design better trials, generate accurate data and achieve meaningful outcomes to support your product development program.

Three considerations when selecting a sites & patients partner

Our drivers of study success

Four pillars underlie our strategic approach to selecting the right sites and enrolling the right patients:

Strategic feasibility
  • Leverages multiple sources of data to inform country and site recommendations, ensuring access to the right sites and patient populations most conducive to your protocol parameters
  • Performs analytics and predictive modeling to recommend optimal site-country mix and generate enrollment and timeline projections based on extensive data and experience
  • Cloud-based solutions through goBalto that streamline and automate selection and setup of the top-performing clinical research sites – more than 90,000 sites across 80+ countries to deliver significant savings and 30% quantifiable reduction in study startup cycle times
Clinical innovation
  • Robotic process automation (RPA) teaches talking bots to do repetitive, scripted tasks, such as manual quality control review of documents for critical errors to increase speed, efficiency and accuracy
  • Our Preclarus™ technology platform gives you full transparency on your study’s progress by consolidating and standardizing data from multiple sources and presenting it via a client-facing dashboard for real-time, instant access to enrollment numbers, site performance and other critical parameters of study progress
Patient centricity
  • Gauges the patient and caregiver voices through protocol-specific surveys that identify potential issues with protocol design, patient recruitment and retention
  • Customizes patient concierge services to ease the burden of travel, scheduling, clinic visits and other logistical barriers to study participation
  • Engages with patient advocacy groups and patient advisers to guide your study design, planning and execution based on unique patient populations and protocol parameters 
  • Designs patient-friendly outreach campaigns that validate their experiences and reduce fear and uncertainty surrounding clinical trials
  • Partners with disease-specific patient communities to enhance awareness and improve access to clinical trials as possible treatment options
Site intelligence and activation
  • Secures country-level approvals, drives document collection/ethics committee and regulatory submissions, and negotiates global site contracts and site budgets
  • Partners with goBalto to enhance our site selection and facilitates secure document workflow 
  • Utilizes master agreements with sites and investigators to expedite startup process

Supporting every aspect of inclusive research

Overcoming barriers enables underrepresented patient populations to participate and engage throughout your clinical trial.

Our patient feedback informs study planning and execution

I may look fine, but chronic inflammation took my energy, my happiness, my friends, and left me with pain and shame.

Being willing to ask for help is the hardest thing to learn for most of us who were so independent.

You have energy one minute and you want to take on the world, but then it knocks you down. Some days you feel less than, broken and disposable.

a man smiling at a senior woman

Our select sites

We continually nurture our strategic partnerships with leading research sites and site networks worldwide, matching you with top performers that have demonstrated their speed, skill, efficiency and quality across hundreds of studies.

By choosing the right combination of select sites for your study, we create the optimal platform for achieving success:

  • Greater access to qualified patients
  • Faster site activation
  • More patients enrolled from fewer sites
  • Fewer non-enrolling sites
  • Expedited trial completion

Patient data and real-world evidence fuel our insights

100+ million-household database of fully identified, opted-in patients and 150+ global sites

  • We survey thousands of patients annually to gauge their disease experiences and perceptions toward clinical trials.
  • We instantly prescreen patients for your study using their responses to shape your study design and our recruitment campaigns.
  • We stratify and target patients by indication, gender, age, disease severity and other precise parameters to speed recruitment timelines.

Real-world evidence of patient perceptions, trial outcomes and market value

  • We demonstrate your treatment’s real-world safety and impact on patient outcomes and identify which patients will benefit most.
  • We simulate potential trial outcomes, using a range of variables, through advanced statistical methods and modeling.
  • We engage patient advocacy groups and consult with patient advisers to help plan your trial with patients’ needs in mind.

Site solutions that guarantee results

In an industry driven by data, finding sites and patients can be frustratingly unpredictable. 

To overcome this persistent challenge, we created an entirely new delivery model for clinical trial recruitment. Accelerated Enrollment Solutions (AES) provides the largest global dedicated site network with site management organization services to deliver more patients from fewer sites in less time.

patients icon
100 million households of fully identified patients
Global locations
150+ centrally managed global sites

Other providers of CRO solutions have de-identified or pre-identified patient data, we has fully identified patient data:

De-identified data

Where patients are anonymized data from medical claims, pharmacy and other large datasets with geographic disease concentrations.

Pre-identified data

Where patients are disease state information. Anonymized EMR data with only disease-specific information. Patients are not identified.

Leaders in site training and performance

We continually re-envision and reshape how the industry does business to reduce inefficiencies, institute best practices and minimize the barriers to successful patient engagement and site performance.


Our SiteCoach offers robust training, coaching and support to health care practitioners who are new to clinical research. Our customized training program paves the way for a more successful experience for your patients and your practice, enabling you to offer more options to patients who are seeking relief or who want to contribute to medical research.

Through SiteCoach, you receive:

  • Comprehensive training and tools at each stage of the clinical trial process
  • Optimally timed training before, during and after the study to ensure continuity of support
  • Clinical development with more than 145 vaccine studies supported in the past five years
  • Virtual, in-person or hybrid training approach to meet your specific needs delivered as two- or four-module series
  • A user-friendly online interface that includes a learner community portal with resources and tools, a learner forum and mobile gaming designed to increase learner retention

CRA on-site monitoring

When you work in tandem with us, you get our clinical development services and expertise plus patient access and site conduct capabilities in a single integrated solution that increases the speed and efficiency of clinical trials.

Our new, specialized clinical research associate (CRA) role is solely dedicated to monitoring and site-related duties at either a single site or a cluster of sites located within commuting distance, giving you the benefits of: 

  • Improved efficiency through less travel and fewer process handoffs
  • Increased oversight with more frequent face-to-face interaction and training at sites
  • Increased speed through quicker on-site support and faster issue resolution