Man looking at his laptop

Clinical Trial Project Management

The project manager is a critical part of a study’s success. We assign experienced project managers with proven expertise across the full development continuum. The PPD™ clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s organizational structure aligns our project managers closely to our clinical operations and CTMs. We ensure clear accountability and tie our customers’ performance goals directly to our project team members. Our project managers are completely focused on operational delivery.

Leadership, communication, results

Our project managers are trained in our Foundations program where we emphasize and demonstrate excellence in ownership, accountability, and follow through.

Our project manager:

  • Serves as a primary resource and point of communication for the customer and project team
  • Provides leadership and direction to the project team, including specifications for time, quality and cost of deliverables
  • Utilizes our global capabilities, systems and processes to assure efficiency and accuracy throughout the project
  • Creates a management framework to optimize the skills of functional leads and drives focus on the quality and efficiency of individual tasks
  • Follows our global risk management process, addressing potential obstacles to project delivery
  • Maintains a flexible, can-do approach to address issues innovatively and proactively