Enrolling Pregnancy and Lactation Studies
Albireo Bylvay Pregnancy and Lactation Surveillance Program Information
- Toll-free phone number (US Only): 1-877-390-2762
- Fax number (US Only): 1-877-390-3661
- Email address: bylvaypregnancysurveillanceprogram@ppd.com
Bempedoic Acid Pregnancy Surveillance Program
If you are pregnant and have taken Nexletol® (bempedoic acid) or Nexlizet® (bempedoic acid/ezetimibe) at any time during pregnancy, you are eligible to participate in this study. The pregnant woman or one of her health care providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (U.S.): +1 833 377 7633 (Option 5)
- Email address: bempedoic.acid.PSP@ppd.com
BMS Camzyos Pregnancy Surveillance Program
- Toll-free phone number (US Only): +1-877-390-2852
- Fax number (US Only): +1-877 495-0810
- Email address: camzyospregnancysurveillanceprogram@ppd.com
BRIUMVI Pregnancy Registry
Are you pregnant and diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? Have you taken BRIUMVI (ublituximab-xiiy) or other multiple sclerosis medications during your pregnancy? You may be eligible to participate in this U.S. registry. Pregnant women and their health care providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 411 4546
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 411 4605
- Email address: BRIUMVIPregnancyRegistry@ppd.com
- Website: https://briumvipregnancyregistry.com
CIBINQO™ Pregnancy Registry
Join the study to help researchers, healthcare providers, and other patients learn about the safety of using CIBINQO (abrocitinib) and other medications used for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis during pregnancy.
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 311 3770
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 311 3781
- Email address: cibinqopregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: www.cibinqopregnancyregistry.com
GLOW Pregnancy Registry
If you have been exposed to SKYRIZI®(risankizumab-rzaa) or related medications during pregnancy (at least 1 dose during pregnancy or within 20 weeks prior to conception), you may be eligible to participate in this U.S. registry.
Eligible Diagnoses: Plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn’s disease & ulcerative colitis
Eligible Exposures: Risankizumab or other medications in the same class or line of therapy as risankizumab (e.g., tumor necrosis factor [TNF] inhibitors, interleukin [IL]-17 inhibitors, IL-12/23 inhibitors, other IL-23 inhibitors) during pregnancy.
Pregnant women and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 302 2161
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 896 0927
- Email address: glowpregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: https://glowpregnancyregistry.com
- Clinicaltrials.gov: www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04846959?cond=Skyrizi&draw=2&rank=8
MyRose Pregnancy Registry
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 390 2723
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 390 2711
- Email address: relugolixctpregnancyregistry@PPD.com
- Website: www.relugolixctpregnancyregistry.com
The Migraine Observational Nurtec Pregnancy Registry (MONITOR)
If you are a pregnant person diagnosed with migraine and have taken Nurtec® ODT (rimegepant) or other migraine medications during pregnancy you may qualify to participate. Pregnant people (residing in the US) and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (U.S.): +1 877 366 0324
- Email address: nurtecpregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: www.nurtecpregnancyregistry.com
The Penbraya™ Pregnancy Registry
The goal of The Penbraya™ Pregnancy Registry is to help doctors, patients, and researchers better understand the safety of Penbraya™ use during pregnancy. Patients in the United States 10 through 25 years old who have been vaccinated with Penbraya™ during their pregnancies may be eligible to participate.
- Toll-free phone number (North America): + 1 877 390-2953
- Toll-free fax number (North America): + 1 877 411-3651
- Email address: penbrayapregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: www.penbrayapregnancyregistry.com
The Ritlecitinib Pregnancy Registry
Alopecia areata can be a frustrating and emotionally difficult condition. Help future pregnant patients, doctors, and researchers understand the safety of medications that treat alopecia areata.
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 390-2940
- Toll-free fax number (North America): +1 877 411-1883
- Email address: ritlecitinibpregnancyregistry@thermofisher.com
- Website: www.ritlecitinibpregnancyregistry.com
RSV Vaccine Pregnancy Registry (RSV-PR)
The study team is looking for people aged 18 to 50 who are pregnant and either plan to receive the recommended vaccine in the third trimester, recently received the recommended respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine at or after week 32 of pregnancy or have chosen to not receive the RSV vaccine. Pregnant individuals and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (US): +1 800 616 3791
- Fax number: +1 919 654 0833
- Email address: rsv@corevitas.com
- Website: RSVPregnancyRegistry.com
SAPHNELO (anifrolumab) Pregnancy and Lactation Studies
Lactation Study:
If you have been exposed to SAPHNELO® (anifrolumab) while breastfeeding, you may be eligible to participate in this U.S. research study. Breastfeeding women and their healthcare providers may contact the study at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 311 3793
- Email address: crganifrolumabbreastfeedingstudy@thermofisher.com
- Website: https://anifrolumabpregnancyandbreastfeedingstudy.us
Pregnancy Registry:
If you have been exposed to SAPHNELO® (anifrolumab) or related medication during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding or within 4 months (16 weeks) prior to becoming pregnant, you may be eligible to participate in this U.S. registry. Pregnant women and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 888 337 0045
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 551 0014
- Email address: crganifrolumabpregnancyregistry@thermofisher.com
- Website: https://anifrolumabpregnancyandbreastfeedingstudy.us
SUNOSI Pregnancy Registry
You may be eligible if you are:
- Taking or have taken SUNOSI®(solriamfetol) or other wake-promoting medications or stimulants for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) associated with narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- OR a pregnant woman diagnosed with narcolepsy or OSA
- OR a pregnant woman who not does have a diagnosis of narcolepsy or OSA, but who has taken at least one dose of SUNOSI or another wake-promoting medication or stimulant during pregnancy (sine the first day of your last menstrual period)
Pregnant women and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 283 6220
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 284 3341
- Email address: sunosipregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: https://sunosipregnancyregistry.com
T.A.P.P. (Take Action to Prevent Pregnancy) Pregnancy Monitoring Program for Acitretin
If you think you’ve become pregnant while taking Acitretin or within three years of stopping, contact the program at:
- Toll-free phone number (U.S.): +1 855 850 2138
- Toll-free fax number (U.S.): +1 855 850 2137
- Website: www.tevagenerics.com/acitretin
VOQUEZNA® Pregnancy Registry
If you have become pregnant while taking VOQUEZNA® (vonoprazan) or if you have taken VOQUEZNA® at any time during your pregnancy, you are encouraged to enroll in this registry. The pregnant woman or one of her health care providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (U.S.): +1 866 609 1612
- Toll-free fax number (U.S.): +1 877 883 7242
- Email address: dlvoqueznapregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: https://voqueznapregnancyregistry.com/
WAKIX® (pitolisant) Pregnancy Registry
If you have become pregnant while taking WAKIX® (pitolisant) or if you have taken WAKIX® at any time during your pregnancy, you are encouraged to enroll in this registry. The pregnant woman or one of her health care providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (U.S.): + 1 877 302 2813
- Toll-free fax number (U.S.): + 1 877 777 5622
- Email address: wakixpregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: www.wakixpregnancyregistry.com
WEGOVY Pregnancy Registry
You may be eligible if you are:
- A resident of the United States, United Kingdom, or Spain; and
- 15-50 years old; and
- A pregnant woman who has been diagnosed with either:
- Obesity, or
- Overweight with at least one weight-related comorbidity (e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol)
You may be eligible to participate whether or not you’ve taken weight loss medications like Wegovy® (semaglutide 2.4 mg) during pregnancy.
Pregnant women and their healthcare providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 390 2760
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 390 3126
- Email address: wegovypregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: https://wegovypregnancyregistry.com
The Zavegepant Pregnancy Registry
Migraine can be a debilitating condition. Help future patients, and researchers understand the safety of migraine medications that can provide some relief for migraine headaches during pregnancy.
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 411-1896
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 411-2047
- Email address: zavegepantpregnancyregistry@thermofisher.com
- Website: www.zavegepantpregnancyregistry.com
Zeposia MS Pregnancy Registry
If you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and or exposed to ZEPOSIA® (ozanimod) or other multiple sclerosis medications during pregnancy or within 3 months prior to pregnancy, you might be eligible to participate in this U.S. and Canada registry. The pregnant woman or one of her health care providers may contact the registry at:
- Toll-free phone number (North America): +1 877 301 9314
- Toll-free worldwide access fax number: +1 877 777 6337
- Email address: zeposiamspregnancyregistry@ppd.com
- Website: www.zeposiapregnancyregistry.com/
Closed pregnancy and lactation studies
Belimumab (benlysta™) Pregnancy Registry
A global observational study of the use of belimumab (BENLYSTA™) in pregnant women and their offspring.
Belimumab (BENLYSTA®) Pregnancy Registry – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.gov
BEXSERO® Pregnancy Registry
An observational study of the use and safety of BEXSERO® in pregnant women and their offspring.
A multicenter post-marketing study to evaluate breast milk transfer in lactating mothers receiving treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.
A multicenter post-marketing study to evaluate placental transfer in women receiving treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.
MENVEO® Vaccine Pregnancy Registry
An observational study of the use and safety of MENVEO® in pregnant women and their offspring.
Oseltamivir Safety in Pregnancy
European-based, retrospective, observational, database study assessing the safety of oseltamivir exposure in pregnant women and their offspring.
Email address: pregnancyand.infantregistriessm@ppdi.com
A multicenter postmarketing study to measure certolizumab pegol (Cimzia®) plasma levels in the blood over the course of pregnancy and after delivery.
Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) Lactation Study
A multicenter post-marketing study to evaluate breast milk transfer in women receiving vedolizumab (Entyvio®) for ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
Xolair® Pregnancy Registry
An observational study of the use and safety of Xolair® (Omalizumab) during pregnancy (EXPECT).
Zanamivir (Relenza inhalation powder) Safety in Pregnancy
European-based, retrospective, observational, database study assessing the safety of zanamivir (Relenza inhalation powder) exposure in pregnant women and their offspring.
Email address: