FSP medical writing service

PPD Functional Service Partnership (FSP) Medical Writing Solutions

Translate complex scientific data into clear and compliant scientific statements

PPDTM FSP Medical Writing solutions help biopharmaceutical, biotech and medical device organizations translate complex scientific data into clear and compliant scientific statements with comprehensive solutions delivered through the flexibility of a functional service provider (FSP) model.

Through 25 years of FSP experience, we’ve established a proven track record of stable, high-quality medical writing services that deliver the engagement and expertise you need, with the convenience and ease of a single global partner.

Customized medical writing solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Comprehensive medical writing solutions deliver the breadth and depth of expertise you need

Our comprehensive medical writing solutions are backed by a breadth of therapeutic area and document expertise that quickly aligns to your program and regulatory needs.

We cover all facets of medical writing across the development life cycle, including:

  • Preclinical: Investigational new drug (IND) modules, annual reports, investigator’s brochures (IB) and briefing documents
  • Phase I-III: Protocols and amendments, IB updates, informed consent materials, clinical study reports (CSR), CSR narratives, appendices compilation, CSR redaction and anonymization, lay summaries, briefing documents, and white papers
  • Marketing submissions: Marketing Authorization Applications (MAA) including New Drug Applications (NDA) and Biologics License Applications (BLA), biosimilar materials, submission package anonymization, 120-day updates, large narrative programs, and responses to agencies

Our specialized medical writing functions assure quality and patient centricity, enabling you to hit the ground running.

  • Quality review: Experienced staff in all global locations ensure quality control and compliance with our or client processes on all documents.
  • Patient-centric writing: Materials incorporate the appropriate messages, tone and grade-level writing to engage patients.

The right talent, expertise and engagement models

Your FSP medical writing team should be built with true experts – Pharm.D., M.D., Ph.D., and master’s level writers – who bring diverse therapeutic backgrounds and long industry tenures to enable a full range of regulatory documentation.

That’s what our FSP Medical Writing solutions team delivers. Our experienced medical writers are problem solvers who excel at translating complex scientific data into clear scientific statements. We produce documents that are scientifically accurate and fully compliant with regulations, industry best practices and client standards.

Close partnership across levels ensures accurate, on-time deliverables

Our structure ensures responsiveness, alignment to your organization’s culture and values, and true subject-matter expertise in your product. We keep our governance model as streamlined and flat as possible to maximize communications and accountability.

Our FSP Medical Writing teams leverage our proven structure to drive efficiency and consistency across the board.

  • For every engagement, our assigned medical writing program manager serves as the main point of contact to ensure robust and open lines of communication.
  • Lead medical writers have direct communication with client writing teams and experts to ensure efficient and targeted communication.
  • We prioritize maintaining a consistent project team, so that allocated writing resources become subject matter experts in your programs – and therefore a seamless extension of your teams.
  • Using our asset point of contact (APoC) model, one of our team members becomes a subject-matter expert in one or more products and ensures consistency in messaging across all program documents.

Flexible engagement models to fit your needs

Whether filling specialized gaps in services or providing a large team of medical writers and editors, our engagement is customized to your requirements. We understand that a flexible mix of systems and processes – yours or ours – provides elasticity to rapidly adjust resource levels to keep pace with growth or portfolio changes. We can also work by embedding our medical writing staff within your workforce.

Our innovative pricing models accommodate various contract structures from full-time equivalent (FTE), unit-based, time & materials, and hybrid models. These flexible models can be tailored to evolve with your changing needs over time.

Proven knowledge, experience and infrastructure maximize speed, efficiency and value

The right processes and tools to meet timelines

To ensure our writing and presentation of data is clear and succinct, we favor a lean authoring approach, crafting text that is easy to digest and repurpose into other documents. We proactively leverage tools and capabilities that accelerate document development, enable real-time collaborative reviews, protect data integrity and quality, provide automation options for fully programmed and hybrid narratives, and address disclosure requirements in parallel with protocol and CSR development.

  • We leverage Veeva RIM and PleaseReview® software to maximize transparency and collaboration, and facilitate rapid team consensus and finalization.
  • We use Programmed in Text Tables to protect end-to-end data integrity and support data quality.
  • Our use of PerfectIt® proofreading software supports editorial reviews as a part of standard review practice and is highly customizable for use with client-specific style libraries.
  • Our dedicated process improvement lead consults on project and partnership-specific opportunities to continuously drive new efficiencies.
  • We offer a specialized medical writing program manager role in a model that encourages partnership thinking, direct contact with essential team members and open lines of communication, and reduces the amount of client oversight needed.

Client-specific support for country, regional and global medical writing deliverables

To span all time zones and provide 24-hour coverage to you, we have employees located across the globe – with key locations in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific. Crucial roles are strategically placed in the same time zones as your functional and clinical teams, so our combined teams become a unified group.

With this proven approach, we collectively create successful medical writer teams, encourage knowledge sharing and produce positive, productive interactions throughout the duration of our partnership.

Proven track record across pharmaceutical, biotechnology and government organizations

As the industry grows, so does our experience and expertise.

More than 170 team members in 16 countries
More than 12 years of experience, on average, among our medical writers, document reviewers and compilers
More than 80% of the team have advanced degrees in scientific disciplines
More than 400 regulatory documents delivered per year, in addition to 1,200 narratives per year, on average

A diverse range of therapeutic areas supported, including:

  • Neurology
  • Infectious and respiratory disease
  • Oncology
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Endocrine/metabolic
  • Dermatology
  • Psychiatry/psychology
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Immunology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Hematology
  • Cardiovascular
  • Genito-urologic
  • Women’s health

The clear choice for your FSP medical writing needs

Whether you need a talented team of medical writers and reviewers to become an extension of your in-house team or help filling a specialized gap in services, our Functional Service Partnership (FSP) Medical Writing solutions are tailored to your unique needs — while providing much-needed resource flexibility, reliability and continuity.

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