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CAR T-cell Therapy for Autoimmunity On-Demand Webinar

CAR T-cell therapy for autoimmunity

CAR T-cells that target the CD19 antigen have provided a paradigm shift in the management of certain B-cell–derived lymphomas and leukemias. Ever since the publication of seminal work that showed transformative efficacy using this approach in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), there has been a flurry of interest within the scientific community to prosecute this approach in refractory lupus patients, and numerous studies are currently underway.  The future trajectory of CAR T-cell therapy for autoimmunity will be driven by efficacy, safety, cost and acceptability. In this engaging discussion, Drs. Sudhakar Sridharan and Leonard Calabrese tackle various key aspects of safety and monitoring in this rapidly burgeoning field from the standpoint of overall benefit-risk for autoimmune patients receiving such therapies.

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