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Hybrid FSP/FSO Partnerships White Paper

Establishing a Bespoke Outsourcing Arrangement with Hybrid FSP/FSO Partnerships

Outsourcing has taken a growing role in the clinical trial landscape, as drug developers lean on clinical research organizations (CROs) to address clinical trial complexity and expand their capabilities.

A variety of models, including bespoke fuctional service provider (FSP) and full-service outsourcing (FSO) models, provide additional flexibility. An emerging hybrid outsourcing model that combines elements of the FSP and FSO arrangements takes an agile approach, helping drug developers optimize their clinical trial operations.

This white paper explores:

  • How augmenting FSO arrangements with FSP solutions creates a bespoke hybrid FSP/FSO model that maximizes clinical trial performance and overcomes persistent challenges in clinical trial operations.
  • How integrating our PPD™ FSP solutions into new or existing FSO arrangements deliver a customized hybrid approach that best addresses drug developers’ needs.

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