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Partners in Pediatrics

Partners in pediatrics

Proficiency in operationalizing pediatric clinical trials requires a comprehensive grasp of the distinct physiological and developmental characteristics of children, as well as the ability to educate parents and engage children in the process. In the following videos, our team of rare disease and pediatric experts delves into the intricate challenges of pediatric clinical research, offering insights and strategies to facilitate smooth navigation through these complexities.

Susan McCune, M.D., Vice President, Pediatrics and Clinical Pharmacology

Hear from Susan on understanding the child’s needs in pediatric clinical trials.

Jade Tuttle, Principal Project Manager, Patient Diversity

Hear from Jade on how to access underrepresented patient populations in pediatric clinical trials.

Chavdar Bakardjiev, M.D., PMP, MBA, Senior Director Project Management, Infectious & Respiratory Disease

Hear from Chavdar on educating parents and study staff about pediatric clinical trials.

Jenna McDonnell, Sr. Director, Consulting, Innovation & Strategy, Digital and Decentralized Solutions

Hear from Jenna on engaging children in clinical trials through innovative technology.

Anu Ohrling, MD, MBA
Senior Medical Director, Pharmacovigilance and Scientific Medical Affairs

Hear from Anu on mitigating safety concerns in pediatric clinical trials through comprehensive pediatric medical monitoring.

Want to learn more?

Explore our pediatric clinical research solutions.